# History file 's145se6.h' computes two point rays in the elastic # smoothed SEG/EAGE Salt Model, plots computed rays, synthetic # seismograms and travel times. # The shot corresponds to shot number 145 and receivers correspond # to marine streamer line 6 (E direction) in the Next Generation Seismic # Modeling and Imaging project, Phase 1 (House et al., 2004). # The time of computation is approximately 10 hours # on a PC equipped with Athlon XP 2400+(2GHz) and with Linux. # # References: # House, S., Larsen, S., Hoelting, C., Marfurt, K., Wiley, R. (2004): # Next-Generation Seismic Modeling and Imaging project: summary of # elastic modeling results. Exp. Abstr., Soc. Expl. Geophys. # 74th Ann. Meet., pp. 2201-2204. # # Increase MRAY=120000 in rp3d.inc! # ====================================================================== # # Input files required chk.pl: "data/sal/" "sal-mod3.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "s145-src.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "s145se6r.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "se-dcr1.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "se-cod1.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "se-rpa1.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "se-wri1.dat" chk.pl: "data/sal/" "se-ttc.dat" chk.pl: "crt/" "sourcex.dat" chk.pl: "forms/" "append.pl" chk.pl: "forms/" "del.pl" chk.pl: "forms/" "echo.pl" # Input data for complete ray tracing (see crtin.for) MODEL='sal-mod3.dat' SRC='s145-src.dat' REC='s145se6r.dat' DCRT='se-dcr1.dat' CODE='se-cod1.dat' RPAR='se-rpa1.dat' WRIT='se-wri1.dat' CRTLOG='s145log.out' INIPAR=3 # File containing the complex-valued seismic moment SOURCE=sourcex.dat # Explosive isotropic source # Data describing the source time function KSIG=2 SIGPLOT='ricker.ps' MPTS=500 SIGT=0.0 SIGF=15. SIGW=2. SIGPH=0. SIGA=1. # Data describing the filtration of the source time function FMIN=0. FLOW=2. FHIGH=120. FMAX=122. # (cosine filter) # Time step and time interval for the Fast Fourier Transform DT=0.001 NFFT=8192 # Data to control seismogram plotting (for details see 'sp.for') KODESP=2 SPCHRH=0.40 SPTMIN=5.0 SPTMAX=0.0 SPTLEN=25.4 SPTDIV=5 SPTSUB=5 SPXMIN=6464. SPXMAX=6464. SPXLEN=15.24 SPXDIV=-140 SPXSUB=1 SPYMIN=6744. SPYMAX=3384. NORMSP=0 SPAMP=3. CALCOPS='0.4 setlinewidth' # Ray tracing of direct, refracted and reflected waves crt: # Deleting old files del.pl:'s01.out' del.pl:'s01i.out' del.pl:'s145se6.mx' # Computed quantities at the given surface and corresponding # quantities at the initial points of rays for all calculated # elementary waves are concatenated. append.pl: 's01.out' 's011.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's012.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's013.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's014.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's025.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's036.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's057.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0108.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's029.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0310.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0211.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0312.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0313.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0114.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0115.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0216.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0117.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0118.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0119.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0120.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0121.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0122.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0123.out' append.pl: 's01.out' 's0124.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's011i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's012i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's013i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's014i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's025i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's036i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's057i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0108i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's029i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0310i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0211i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0312i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0313i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0114i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0115i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0216i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0117i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0118i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0119i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0120i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0121i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0122i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0123i.out' append.pl: 's01i.out' 's0124i.out' # Frequency-domain seismograms CRTOUT=' ' green: # Green function greenss: # response function SS='se6-ss.gse' ss: # synthetic seismograms SP1='se6-sf1.ps' SP2='se6-sf2.ps' SP3='se6-sf3.ps' KOLOR=1 sp: # seismogram plotting # Rewriting the two-point rays into a formatted file CRTOUT='crtout.tmp' KALL=0 echo.pl:"'r01.out' ' ' 'r01i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r1.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r02.out' ' ' 'r02i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r2.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r03.out' ' ' 'r03i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r3.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r04.out' ' ' 'r04i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r4.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r05.out' ' ' 'r05i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r5.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r06.out' ' ' 'r06i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r6.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r07.out' ' ' 'r07i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r7.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r08.out' ' ' 'r08i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r8.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r09.out' ' ' 'r09i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r9.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r10.out' ' ' 'r10i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r10.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r11.out' ' ' 'r11i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r11.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r12.out' ' ' 'r12i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r12.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r13.out' ' ' 'r13i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r13.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r14.out' ' ' 'r14i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r14.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r15.out' ' ' 'r15i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r15.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r16.out' ' ' 'r16i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r16.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r17.out' ' ' 'r17i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r17.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r18.out' ' ' 'r18i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r18.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r19.out' ' ' 'r19i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r19.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r20.out' ' ' 'r20i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r20.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r21.out' ' ' 'r21i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r21.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r22.out' ' ' 'r22i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r22.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r23.out' ' ' 'r23i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r23.out' crtray: echo.pl:"'r24.out' ' ' 'r24i.out' ' '" ">crtout.tmp" RAYS='se6-r24.out' crtray: # Adding two-point rays into GOCAD file VRML='GOCAD' WRL=' ' WRLOUT='se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD # Setting blue colour for rays KOLLIN=0 R=0.00 G=0.00 B=1.00 NAME='Rays' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD LIN='se6-r1.out' NAME='Rays1' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r2.out' NAME='Rays2' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r3.out' NAME='Rays3' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r4.out' NAME='Rays4' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r5.out' NAME='Rays5' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r6.out' NAME='Rays6' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r7.out' NAME='Rays7' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r8.out' NAME='Rays8' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r9.out' NAME='Rays9' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r10.out' NAME='Rays10' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r11.out' NAME='Rays11' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r12.out' NAME='Rays12' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r13.out' NAME='Rays13' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r14.out' NAME='Rays14' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r15.out' NAME='Rays15' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r16.out' NAME='Rays16' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r17.out' NAME='Rays17' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r18.out' NAME='Rays18' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r19.out' NAME='Rays19' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r20.out' NAME='Rays20' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r21.out' NAME='Rays21' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r22.out' NAME='Rays22' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r23.out' NAME='Rays23' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD LIN='se6-r24.out' NAME='Rays24' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD linwrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD # Adding source and receivers into GOCAD file PTS='s145-src.dat' KOLPTS=0 R=1.00 G=0.00 B=1.00 NAME='Source-145' PROPERTIES=' ' ASIZE=6 # just for GOCAD ptswrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD PTS='s145se6r.dat' KOLPTS=0 R=1.00 G=1.00 B=1.00 NAME='Receivers-se6' PROPERTIES=' ' ASIZE=3 # just for GOCAD ptswrl: append.pl: 's145se6.mx' 'se6-tmp.mx' # GOCAD # Conversion of GSE file to SEG-Y files # Input GSE file SS='se6-ss.gse' # SEG-Y parameters (for details see gse2segy.for) NTRACE=141 NSAMPL=7000 SINTER=0.001 ISFORM=1 ICDFP=1 KOMP=1 FISEGY='se6-ss1.sgy' gse2segy: KOMP=2 FISEGY='se6-ss2.sgy' gse2segy: KOMP=3 FISEGY='se6-ss3.sgy' gse2segy: # Travel times # Generating input files CRTOUT for individual elementary waves echo.pl: "' ' 's011.out' 's011i.out' /" "> crt01.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's012.out' 's012i.out' /" "> crt02.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's013.out' 's013i.out' /" "> crt03.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's014.out' 's014i.out' /" "> crt04.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's025.out' 's025i.out' /" "> crt05.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's036.out' 's036i.out' /" "> crt06.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's057.out' 's057i.out' /" "> crt07.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0108.out' 's0108i.out' /" "> crt08.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's029.out' 's029i.out' /" "> crt09.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0310.out' 's0310i.out' /" "> crt10.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0211.out' 's0211i.out' /" "> crt11.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0312.out' 's0312i.out' /" "> crt12.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0313.out' 's0313i.out' /" "> crt13.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0114.out' 's0114i.out' /" "> crt14.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0115.out' 's0115i.out' /" "> crt15.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0216.out' 's0216i.out' /" "> crt16.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0117.out' 's0117i.out' /" "> crt17.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0118.out' 's0118i.out' /" "> crt18.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0119.out' 's0119i.out' /" "> crt19.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0120.out' 's0120i.out' /" "> crt20.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0121.out' 's0121i.out' /" "> crt21.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0122.out' 's0122i.out' /" "> crt22.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0123.out' 's0123i.out' /" "> crt23.out" echo.pl: "' ' 's0124.out' 's0124i.out' /" "> crt24.out" # Generating files with travel times of individual elementary waves SRC=' ' NQ=4 KALL=0 KREC=1 CRTOUT='crt01.out' PTS='tt01.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt02.out' PTS='tt02.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt03.out' PTS='tt03.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt04.out' PTS='tt04.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt05.out' PTS='tt05.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt06.out' PTS='tt06.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt07.out' PTS='tt07.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt08.out' PTS='tt08.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt09.out' PTS='tt09.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt10.out' PTS='tt10.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt11.out' PTS='tt11.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt12.out' PTS='tt12.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt13.out' PTS='tt13.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt14.out' PTS='tt14.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt15.out' PTS='tt15.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt16.out' PTS='tt16.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt17.out' PTS='tt17.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt18.out' PTS='tt18.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt19.out' PTS='tt19.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt20.out' PTS='tt20.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt21.out' PTS='tt21.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt22.out' PTS='tt22.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt23.out' PTS='tt23.out' crtpts: CRTOUT='crt24.out' PTS='tt24.out' crtpts: # Plotting travel times SP1='se6-tt.ps' SP2=' ' SP3=' ' SS=' ' SS1=' ' SS2=' ' SS3=' ' SS4=' ' SS5=' ' SS6=' ' SS7=' ' SS8=' ' SS9=' ' SS10=' ' SS11=' ' SS12=' ' SS13=' ' SS14=' ' SS15=' ' SS16=' ' SS17=' ' SS18=' ' SS19=' ' SS20=' ' SS21=' ' SS22=' ' SS23=' ' SS24=' ' PTS=' ' FTT=' ' SPTTC='se-ttc.dat' KOLORTD=-1 SPSYMH=0.15 CALCOPS='0.55 setlinewidth' sp: # To save disk space delete temporary output files #del.pl: '*.out' # Important output files # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # 'se6-sf*.ps' ... PostScript files with seismograms # 'se6-tt.ps' ... PostScript file with travel times # 's145se6.mx' ... GOCAD file with two-point rays, shot and receivers