Released versions of package ANRAY since March 1995

3.02 (1995, March):
Working version, not yet fully debugged.
Program ANRAY is an updated version of program with the same name which has been used in packages ANRAY86 and ANRAY89 written by Gajewski & Psencik.
4.00 (1996, September):
Working version, not yet fully debugged.
Main differences from the version 3.02:
(a) The distribution of elastic parameters in individual layers can be specified in grid points of a 3-D rectangular grid. Each of the 21 elastic parameters is specified in the grid individually. In case of an isotropic layer, only specification of P and S wave velocities is sufficient. If larger grid than specified in the present version is to be used, changes in the dimensions in the routines of the block modbs.for must be made, see descritpion of input data for the B-spline approximation.
(b) Graphical output in all the programs of the package is produced in the form of postscript files. Calcomp-PostScript interface was developed by L.Klimes.
(c) In order to increase the precision of the determination of points of intersection of rays and dynamic ray tracing with interfaces and boreholes, and thus to improve the convergence of the two-point ray tracing, new procedures are adopted in this package.
(d) Tests, making possible a check of the precission of the ray tracing and dynamic ray tracing, are offered. The tests can be used both passively and actively, see the new switch IPREC in the description of input data for the program ANRAY. Further investigation of the precission of the ray and dynamic ray tracing and its control is under way.
(e) Many errors and problems have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made. Most errors were detected and removed in the routines for transformation of dynamic ray tracing across interfaces.
4.01 (1997, September):
Working version, not yet fully debugged.
4.10 (1998, September):
Working version, not yet fully debugged.
Main differences from the version 4.01:
(a) The first test version of program WEAKAN based on the zero-order quasi-isotropic (QI) approximation for calculation of coupled qS waves in weakly anisotropic media or in singular regions of qS waves was developed.
(b) The input data are read in by list-directed input (free format).
(c) Many errors and problems have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made. Substantial changes were made in program VELPL for plotting various velocity surfaces, smaller changes were also made in the program ANRAYPL. Tests were indroduced, which guarantee that polarization vectors vary smoothly along a ray and do not jump by 180 degrees. The x- and y-components of displacement, which were incorrectly called "radial" and "transverse" in previous versions are called x- and y-components. Possibility to rotate horizontal axis, to which displacement is projected, was introduced to SYNTAN.
4.20 (1999, June):
Working version, not yet fully debugged.
4.30 (2001, June):
Main differences from the version 4.20:
Graphical output using the software developed for the CRT package can be used.
4.40 (2002, May):
Main differences from the version 4.30:
(a) Examples of scripts for running ANRAY for various situations are attached.
(b) Possibility to consider the surface water layer was introduced
(c) It is possible to record not only displacement but also pressure.
(d) Conversion coefficients can be evaluated not only at the free surface but also at internal interfaces
(e) Implementation of the graphical output using the software developed for the CRT package has been simplified.
(f) Many errors and problems have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made. An error causing a shift (smaller than time step in seismograms) of seismograms in the program BPLOT was removed. Problems with default input data were removed.
4.45 (2003, May):
Main differences from the version 4.40:
Several errors have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made, most of them being indicated by the users. Maximum number of elements of a considered ray has been extended from 20 to 50.
4.50 (2004, June):
Can be compiled with package FORMS version 5.80 but not later.
Main differences from the version 4.45:
Several errors have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made, most of them being indicated by the users. Most modifications have been done in the part of the package dealing with recording pressure and with recordings at internal interfaces. Conversion program ANRAYGSE to read synthetic seismograms written in the form of file LU8 of package ANRAY and to write them in the GSE format have been added.
4.60 (2007, June):
Can be compiled with package FORMS version 5.80 but not later.
Main differences from the version 4.50:
Some recently spotted errors have been removed and other small scale modifications have been made, most of them being indicated by the users. The routine POLRT has been revised.
4.61 (2009, June):
Can be compiled with package FORMS version 5.80 but not later.
Main differences from the version 4.50:
anray.htm, anrayprg.htm: Documentation improved.
refanray.htm: New file with references related to ANRAY.
polar.htm, readme.htm, seispl.htm, syntan.htm: Minor changes.
anray.for, weakan.for: Posibility to use rotating axis of symmetry in interpolation removed.
anraygse.for: Minor change.
modbs.for: Change of the code on lines 102-107 (erroneous version).
modis.for: Change of the code on lines 96-101 and new lines 205-206.
4.70 (2010, June):
Differences from the version 4.61:
anray.for, anraypl.for, bplot.for, fresan.for, velpl.for, polar.for, seispl.for, synfan.for: Missing INCLUDE statements required by package FORMS version 5.90 and later added.
modbs.for: Wrong loops in numerical form of interfaces corrected by returning to modbs.for version 4.60. Initiation of parameter W(i,j,k) changed.
anrayver.htm: New file with description of released versions.
4.71 (2011, May):
Differences from the version 4.70:
anraygse.for, anraygse.htm: New options of receiver name generation and seismograms time shifting coded.
anraypl.htm, bplot.htm, fresan.htm, polar.htm, synfan.htm, velpl.htm, seispl.htm: Input Calcops SEP parameters described.
data/qi/qi.h: MS-DOS commands commented.
data/rfr/rfr.h: Calling of '' added.